Sunday, 28 September 2008

The Carvan Adventure Continues

Dick & Dora have been so excited by the positive feedback the caravan brooch has attracted, that they were wondering how else it could be used. Lucky then that Dick discovered the Remo Designomatic store which allows you to upload (and have printed) your 't-shirt' designs. Dick & Dora have a 't-shirt' each on its way!


Kate Moore said...

Cool t-shirts they'll be too. How did the muffins go? So pleased you're baking them.

Dick and Dora said...

Muffins were great thanks Katie, I played with the recipe a bit and added stewed apple and rhubarb instead of the pie apple. Delicious.

Dick and Dora said...

If anyone knows how I can get "&" back in my heading instead of "&amp:", I'd be most grateful to know. Dora

Betty Jo said...

You are a pair of clever cookies.
First jewellery designers, now fashion designers!