Thursday, 6 November 2008

Happy to Help

Dick & Dora love the simple life; wind in their hair, running in long grass and sipping on home made lemonade.

They were, therefore, absolutely delighted to be asked by St Giles childrens' charity to design a brooch to help them raise money so that children with disabilities can enjoy their childhood. The brooch is $10 and all proceeds go to St Giles. If you want to know more, contact Dora for details.


Little Snoring said...

Thanks for the message and email, unfortunately I will have just left. Boo. Nevermind, please think of me for the next one?

Mlle La Revolution des Cache-Pots said...

Hi Harriet,
Are you coming up to the Niche market St. Giles is holding on the 28th and 29th Nov?
I'll be there with my stall and there are a good bunch of other people having stalls too, so it should be fun...unless you've got too much on and need all your stock for the Mothers Market?! I was talking to Simone Pfister about it today...i hope to come down and check it out too!
Hope you're well, and hope to actually meet you sometime soon too! xx Tara (Badcock)