Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Just hanging around ...

The new year has certainly brought a change of pace, and Dora is a bit lost, with no parcels to pack and not a lot of motivation to start making anything new, just yet. So, whilst in the leadup to Christmas Dora hoped and prayed that the bambino would have long day sleeps, today she's hanging around, waiting for him to wake up, so they can go to the pool.


Georgie Love said...

Did you ever send that package to GL? Because we've certainly not received it....

Rachael said...

It was lovely to see you in TAS, even if it was mad and my old cat Max tried to go with you... Next time I am in TAS it would a coffee would be a good idea.

I love my necklace and the brooches went down a treat. They have gone to sister in Hobart, neice in Melbourne and sister-in-law wjo lives in London & Istanbul. I wonder if you have other peices in Istanbul? Who knows...?

Rachael said...

PS - I mean a 'coffee would be a good idea' - I am having a mummy drink as I blog - perhaps not such a good idea.

Betty Jo said...

The lull before the storm.... Melbourne seemed D&D crazy this xmas.
Everywhere i turned there was D&D goodies being hastily rapt by frenzied shop girls... well nicely rapt actually.
My friend got me to buy some of your decos at Craft Vic so I could get the discount...I agreed because it was xmas!
Hope 09 is a good one for your family

Betty Jo said...

I mean wrapped. Use proper English Liz!