Saturday, 10 January 2009

Rosalie Gascoigne@NGV

Dora keeps popping over to Mizu Designs to have another look at the fabulous photos she took of the Rosalie Gascoigne exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria. Dick & Dora are itching to get across the pond to see this exhibition by one of their favourite Australian artist's, which also happens to coincide with a show of the work of Andreas Gursky whose work they also really like.


Betty Jo said...

I'm going next week (sorry to gloat)
I have been known to cross two state borders to see Andy Warhol.
Do come on over (cause it's for business of course!)

Dick and Dora said...

Thanks BJ, of COURSE it's for business.

Dudley Redhead said...

OOOOh I love her work! thanks for the info... plus it does justify collecting various bits of stuff to 'do a Rosalie!'

Snippety Gibbet said...

I've never seen her work before, but it looks so familiar to me. I think it might have to do with my Mom keeping all of our childhood toys...all the broken, dirty, messed up things that she thought would be worth a fortune someday. I guess she could have been correct in the sense that someone might someday use them in a work of art.